Protect Your
Protect the functional and aesthetic differences that give your products, systems and methods a competitive advantage over your competitors.
Review your current IP strategy to ensure it matches your business objectives.
Monitize your IP portfolio or expand your available rights through strategic licensing arrangements.
Protect the words, names, symbols, sounds, or colors that identify you as the source of your goods and services.
Protect your original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works such as stories, computer software, songs, jewelry, paintings, sculptures, movies and performances.

MPTL understands that intellectual property rights provide maximum value only when they work in concert with your business objectives and competitive environment. Does your industry reward the companies with the largest patent portfolio or are you a startup looking for iron clad protection to get a foothold and attract investors? Should your trademark strategy mirror that of BMW or Ford and do you know what strategy you are currently following? There is no one-size fits-all solution.
MPTL works with each client to understand not only what the client may have to protect, but what they are looking to acheive through such protection. Furthermore, MPTL actively works with clients to monitor the competitive landscape, including competive intellectual property protection and industry trends.
With this background, MPTL assists clients in developing an IP strategy with an aim of maximizing protection in an economical manner while also minimizing competitive threats and barriers.

For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form*:
*NOTICE: The use of the Internet or this form as a means of contacting this firm or any individual at this firm will not establish an attorney-client relationship, thus do not use this form to submit confidential or time-sensitive information. Whether you are a potential or existing client of the firm, Massina Patent & Trademark Law PLLC (MPTL) cannot represent you on any new matter until the firm has made a determination that there is no conflict of interest and that it is willing and otherwise able to accept the new engagement. Unless and until MPTL has informed you it is willing and able to accept your new matter, do not send the firm any information or documents that you consider private or confidential.